
아스파라거스 지상부 친경 제거시기가 익년도 수량에 미치는 영향

손동모1,*, 김효중1, 정종모1, 김성준1, 김병삼1, 윤봉기1, 이정현2
Dong-Mo Son1,*, Hyo-Joong Kim1, Jong-Mo Jung1, Seong-Jun Kim1, Byeong-Sam Kim1, Bong-Ki Yun1, Jeong-hyun Lee2
Author Information & Copyright
1Jeonnam Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Naju, 58213, Korea
2Department of Horticulture, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, 61186, Korea
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ⓒ Copyright 2017, Institute of Agricultural Science & Technology, Chonnam National University. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Dec 31, 2016


본 연구는 전라남도 농업기술원 무가온 시설하우스에서 아스파라거스 입경 지상부의 친경 제거시기가 익년도 약경 수량에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 수행하였다. 시험품종은 ‘슈퍼월컴’(일본 사카다종묘) 품종을 공시하고 입경 지상부 친경의 제거시기는 경엽이 색깔의 변화에 따라 녹엽기, 황엽기, 고엽기로 설정하여 처리하였다. 입경한 경엽을 제거하기 전 15일간의 평균온도를 비교한 결과 경엽의 황화정도가 심하고 제거시기가 늦어질수록 온도가 점점 낮아지는 경향을 보였으며 특히 12월 하순에 제거하는 고엽기에는 최저온도가 0.9℃, 1일 평균기온이 7.2℃로 황엽기의 10.7℃보다 3.5℃가 낮았다. 각 처리별 최초 수확일은 황엽기와 고엽기가 ‘15년 2월 17일로 녹엽기의 2월 22일보다 5일이 빨랐고 수확일수는 녹엽기가 175일, 황엽기와 고엽기는 180일로 5일간 차이가 있었으나 수확횟수는 각 처리 모두 87∼88회로 처리 간에 차이가 없었다. 각 처리별 입경 지상부 친경의 생육에서 초장과 경수는 고엽기가 190㎝와 8.0개로 가장 길고 많았으며 줄기직경은 황엽기가 15.3mm로 가장 두꺼웠다. 지상부 제거 시기별 수확 약경의 특성으로 주당 약경수는 녹엽기 42.8개, 황엽기 44.8개, 고엽기가 44.9개순으로 많았고 약경 직경은 고엽기가 16.2mm로 가장 두꺼웠고 그 다음이 녹엽기 15.9mm, 황엽기는 15.7mm로 가장 가늘었다. 1개당 평균 약경중은 약경 직경이 가장 무거운 고엽기가 30.2g으로 가장 무거웠고 황엽기는 28.4g으로 그 다음이었고 녹엽기는 28.0g으로 가장 가벼웠다. 각 처리별 10a당 총 약경 수량은 고엽기가 1,510kg으로 황엽기의 1,399kg 대비 7%가 증수 되었으나 입경한 줄기로부터 양분의 전류가 제대로 이루어지지 않은 녹엽기는 1,331kg으로 6% 감수 되었다. 이상의 결과로 볼 때 입경한 줄기는 병해충 없이 기온의 하강에 의해 지상부의 영양분이 지하 근주로 완전히 전류가 완료되는 시점인 황엽기부터 고엽기 사이에 줄기를 제거하는 것이 이듬해 전남지방의 봄과 여름수확 장기재배 시 양분관리에 유리할 것으로 사료된다.


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the mother stem removal period on the above-ground part of the asparagus stem in the non-heated greenhouse of Jeonnam Agricultural Research & Extension Service on the quantity of spear in the following year. For the test variety, ‘Super Welcome’ (Sakata, Japan) was notified, and for the removal period of the mother stem on the above-ground part of the stem, it was set as green leaf period, yellow leaf period and dead leaf period according to the change in the stem & leaf color to be treated. As a result of comparing the average temperature for 15 days before removing the stem & leaf that just came up, the temperature was lower when the sulfuration level was more severe and the removal period was more delayed. Especially, the dead leaves that were removed in late December showed minimum temperature of 0.9℃ and daily average temperature of 7.2℃ to be 3.5℃ lower than the yellow leaf period (10.7℃). For the initial harvesting date for each treatment, the yellow leaf period and the dead leaf period were February 17, 2015 to be 5 days earlier than February 22 of the green leaf period. As for the number of harvesting days, the green leaf period was 175 days, and the yellow leaf period and the dead leaf period were 180 days to have 5 days difference, but the harvesting frequency was 87~88 times for all three periods to have no difference between the treatments. In the growth & development of the mother stem of above-ground stem for each treatment, the plant height and the number of stems were 190㎝ and 8.0EA in the dead leaf period to be the longest and highest in number, and the stem diameter was 15.3mm in the yellow leaf period to be the thickest. For the characteristics of the harvesting spear for each above-ground removal period, the number of spear per week was 42.8EA in the green leaf period, 44.8EA in the yellow leaf period, and 44.9EA in the dead leaf period. For the spear diameter, the thickest was 16.2mm in the dead leaf period, followed by 15.9mm in the green leaf period, and 15.7mm in the yellow leaf period. As for the average spear weight per 1EA, the dead leaf period showed 30.2g to have the most weight, followed by 28.4g in the yellow leaf period, and 28.0g in the green leaf period. For the quantity of spear per 10a for each treatment, the dead leaf period showed 1,510kg to have 7% increase compared to 1,399kg in the yellow leaf period, but in the green leaf period where the current of nutrients from the stem was not enabled appropriately, it decreased 6% to 1,331kg. As seen in the results shown above, it is considered that removing the stem in the period between the yellow leaf and the dead leaf, where the nutrients from above-ground are completely flowed to the underground stumps by the decrease in temperature without disease and insect pest is favorable in the nutrient management when harvesting in long-term in spring and summer at Jeonnam region on the following year.